Church Contacts

Vicar: Revd Sarah Colver 07975 689403 email
Curate Revd Gill Ball 01246 200490 email
Church Wardens: Mr. Peter Gouldthorpe 01246 550152 email

Mrs. Julie West 07799 639566
Safeguarding Mr. Joe Shore 07716 129311 email
Church Treasurer: Mrs. Janet Siddall 01246 206964 email
PCC Secretary: Mr. Peter Gouldthorpe 01246 550152 email
Parish Magazine Mr. Ingo Herrmann

Flowers Helen and Sue

General Information:

Weddings Coordinator
(also for Old Brampton)
Barbara Stringer 01246 620314 email
Baptism Coordinator Vacant
(will be redirected to Revd Sarah)
Webmaster: Mr. Nick Roberts 01246 233590

Other Contacts :

  • Baptisms at Old Brampton: Sally Knight 01246 568004

Parish Church of St. Lawrence, Great Barlow

Please feel free to telephone or e-mail any of our contacts with your queries / questions.

Some of our documentation is available to download. For example, our leaflets on:-

Baptism (under revision)

Wedding Fees

Funeral Fees
Graveyard Guidelines
Churchyard Regulations

Church History